Home of the Sparrow partners with single women and children facing homelessness in Chester County. If you are in immediate need for shelter, please call 2-1-1.
Resources on this page include:
Shelter / Affordable Apartment Search
Affordable Healthcare
Trouble Affording Food
Domestic Violence / Victim of Crime
Support with Healthcare and Other Services
Legal Help
Divorce or Major Life Change
60 and older Help
Already receiving help, ask your employer about additional ones.
Are you looking for a shelter or an affordable apartment?
Experiencing Homelessness?
Sleeping outside or in a vehicle? Fleeing domestic violence? At risk of losing your current housing?
Chester County Has Services To Help
- Emergency services information available 24/7
- Intake done 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday – Friday
- Text your zip code to 898-211
- Se habla Español
- Hearing Impaired? Use 7-1-1 relay service to call 2-1-1
Call 2-1-1 or click here to go to the website.
Click here for more information in English and Spanish
Housing Authority of Chester County
- Strives to increase availability of affordable housing in Chester County and provide quality housing to eligible people
- Apartments in West Chester, Phoenixville, Coatesville, and Oxford
- Accepts in person applications submitted at West Chester location
Call 610-436-9200 or click here for more information
Are you looking for affordable healthcare?
ChesPenn Health Services, Coatesville
- Comprehensive primary and preventive medical and dental care and social services to medically underserved families and individuals
- Health care for the homeless, adult and pediatric primary care, women’s health services, community health education, STD/HIV testing and counseling, medication dispensary services, etc.
Call 610-380-4660 or click here for more information
The Clinic
- Comprehensive medical care for the uninsured, open to all
- Physical exams, treatment of chronic illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure, aches and illnesses, burns, cuts
- Appointments required
Call 610-935-1134 or click here for more information
Community Volunteers in Medicine- CVIM, West Chester
- Primary medical and dental care and health education to uninsured people who live and work in Chester County
- Must meet 300% of Federal Poverty guidelines
Call 610-836-5990 or click here for more information
Planned Parenthood, West Chester
- Birth control, pregnancy testing, annual gynecological exams, infection testing and treatment, abortion referral, emergency contraception
- Walk-ins welcome or book appointment online or by phone
Call 610-692-1770 or click here for more information
Do you have trouble affording food?
Chester County Food Bank
- Central hunger relief organization that secures, manages, and distributes food to those in need
- Network of food cupboards, hot meal sites, shelters, and other social service organizations
- Food is distributed to agencies and then circulated to those in need
Call 610-873-6000 or click here for more information
Are you looking for counseling?

Mental Health/ Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
- Early intervention program- services and screenings for children age 0-3 with developmental delays
- Mental health- support and services for those in mental health recovery; help with insurance applications
- Intellectual disability programs- works with individuals and families to provide support and services for people diagnosed with intellectual disability
Call 610-344-6265 or click here for more information
The Clinic
- Counseling services- psychiatry, psychological services, holistic health counseling
- Must have referral from primary care physician at the clinic
Call 610-935-1134 or click here for more information
Do you need to talk to someone about domestic violence and/or have you been victim of a crime?
Domestic Violence Center
- Free and confidential services that provide intervention, information, education, and outreach to support to survivors of domestic violence
- Programs to prevent, reduce, and remedy domestic violence in Chester County
- 24-hour hotline 888-711-6270
Call 610-431-1430 or click here for more information
The Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc.
CVC is the designated provider of services to sexual violence victims for Chester County, however they serve victims of all types of crime including domestic violence.
CVC does not require you to report your victimization to Law Enforcement, however if you decide reporting is the best option for you, CVC will support you every step of the way.
- 24-hour hotlines:
Sexual Assault – (610) 692-7273
Other Crimes – (610) 692-7420
- Click here for more information.
Do you or your family need support with healthcare and other services?
Women Infants Children of Chester County
- Gateway to healthcare and social services for families, pregnant women, mothers, and children in need
- Free health and nutrition program for families with pregnant, breastfeeding, post-partum women, infants and children to age 5
- Provides free nutrition education, breastfeeding support, tailored monthly food package, education and referrals
Call 610-383-3824 or click here for more information
Maternal and Child Health Consortium
- Ensure that pregnant and parenting women in Chester County have access to high-quality health care regardless of insurance or immigration status
- Family benefits program helps families with eligibility requirements and applying for benefits such as health insurance and food stamps
- Healthy start program targets risk factors during a woman’s pregnancy and in her child’s earliest years to ensure a healthy family
Call 610-344-5370 or click here for more information
Are you 60 years or older and in need of help?
Chester County Department of Aging Services
- Home and community based protection, advocacy, information and assistance services to people aged 60 and over and their families
- Resources such as health insurance counseling, nursing facility assessments, reduced fee legal services, home delivered meals, property care management, investigation of suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation
Call 610-344-6350 or click here for more information
Do you need legal help?
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, West Chester
- Quality legal aid for low income and vulnerable people in Chester County
- Use legal education and increased access to the courts to facilitate problem-solving without legal representation
- Must call Legal Aid Intake Unit (1-877-429-5994) first to determine if you qualify; eligible if at or below 125% of poverty line
Call 610-436-4510 or click here for more information
Are you going through a divorce or another major life change?
Women’s Resource Center, Wayne
- Help women and girls successfully navigate life’s transitions through resources, tools, and additional support
- Free and low-cost counseling; guidance for divorce, custody, parenting issues; career services; girls’ leadership programs
Call 610-687-6391 or click here for more information
If you are already getting services, ask your employer about these additional ones (referrals required):
Paoli Presbyterian Church- Furniture Ministry
- Provide clean, good condition furniture to people in need
- Limited visits by appointment only; typically, 1 month wait
Call 610-644-8250 or click here for more information
Wings for Success
- Assist low-income or disadvantaged women in achieving self-confidence, independence and stability by providing work-appropriate clothing and life skills workshops
- Must be referred by other social service/community agencies or self-referral
- Mon-Sat by appointment only
Call 610-644-6323 or click here for more information
Do you need Furniture?
Referring agencies are vital partners who help the Community Warehouse Project turn empty houses into homes. Agency case managers assist by:
- Qualifying and sponsoring a client
- Completing the paperwork
- Arranging pickup or delivery of furniture to client
Call 484-473-4360 or visit their site for more information