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Making Memories at the Holiday Party



December 14, 2016

Every year, Home of the Sparrow holds a holiday party for our clients and graduates. This is one of our favorite events throughout the year. Home of the Sparrow empowers mothers, single women and children with supportive housing services. To make the holidays special for the women we partner with, we transform our office into a gift shop, bringing a lot of bustle, laughter and fun for the kids.

A big part of our holiday party is the holiday gift program. For many women in our programs, the holidays can be very stressful. On top of providing for themselves and their children, buying gifts is often an impossible financial task. This is where Home of the Sparrow comes in. We connect our families with sponsors who love to help and who can shop gifts for them and their children.

At our holiday party, the women we partner with can connect with each other and get gifts that include blankets, bed sheets and kitchen supplies as well as a treat for themselves. With the help of our 34 volunteers and 9 food donors, we welcomed 154 women and children this year.

We had overwhelming support from 49 donors, who got gifts for 158 children and 79 mothers and single women. Thanks to our donors, Home of the Sparrow made sure that a total of 237 women and children receive gifts over the holidays this year. The gift packages were  distributed at the holiday party, or the week after by our program coordinators.ピエール=オーギュスト?ルノワール アンブロワーズ?ヴォラール F30サイズ F30号 910x727mm ※個人宛配送?代引不可※ 額縁付絵画 インテリア 額入り 壁掛け 油絵 ピエール=オーギ
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